
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

And the oven is still broken. Yay! So in light of that I bring you the Pumpkin Spice Latte.
This Picture is from the Starbucks web page. No way could I take a picture that good.
If you have not heard of or tried this delectable treat I must ask you were you have been? Because many say that it is not fall until these are available at Starbucks. Now I'm not that crazed of a PSL fan but I can see why people get that way about them. They are delightful!
See not nearly as good of a picture.
I do enjoy them with a croissant or a cookie. Whichever strikes me that day. What do you enjoy your PSL with or do you like it by itself?

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